I’m happy to share with you some of the songs of gratitude and love that came to life through these hands and voice in the past few years.

Mandala of Light

“Mandala of Light” is a work of love and a beautiful mantra offering that came about very spontaneously with my sangha brothers Prakash and Siddharta at the end of 2022.


All of our life is our path to Awakening. So, let’s dance this life!
This song arose when I was in Tiruvannamalai in 2020. I like that, while it starts a bit melancholically in minor, it ends happily in major with the mantra Sat Chit Ananda.


This song is inspired by Mooji’s pointings, the Holy mountain Arunachala and the recognition that wherever we find ourselves, the Guru is in our own Heart. Thank you Kamala, Prakash and Pritam for your love and presence that brought to this joyful and beautiful music video. The recording is quite home-made, but I hope that our joy and the power of the words come through. Jai Moojibaba!

What a Grace

This song celebrates the Grace of being in this Life and in the presence of our inner and outter Guide or Satguru.
Some lines are very inspired by Moojibaba who encourages us to remind the world of it’s beauty and purity rather than emphasizing pain and sorrow. What a wonderful reminder!